Removing Fears, Phobias, Apprehensions. Harley Street Clinic ...

Fear is not always a bad thing ... it gives you the opportunity to make a decision ... the "fear or flight" syndrome. 

For example, imagine you are enjoying a wonderful African safari and you are fully captivated by the scenery. You step out of your 4 wheel drive to snap a photo. For one moment, you are oblivious to the dangers that lurk behind that calm. The second you spot the King of the Jungle, you jump into your car. You are now safe. That split second "fear" was justified and rational under the circumstances.

Now imagine a tiny harmless spider. When you have an irrational fear, it blows the whole thing out of proportion. You might start imagining the spider is much bigger than it actually is, you start thinking it's coming for you, it will bite, it will cause you harm. It might have started as a mild fear but it develops into a phobia. You start avoiding spiders, you may not even look at spider pictures, etc.  

At a conscious level, you know that a tiny spider can't harm you in any way. But fears and habits reside at the subconscious level (activated out of your immediate conscious awareness). As soon a you see a spider, you automatically take flight.

There are many types of irrational fears, apprehensions, phobias. They affect your lifestyle. They spoil many things you might otherwise wish undertake and enjoy.

The good news ... fears and apprehensions can be removed - just like deleting a virus from a computer.

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No more fears, removing fears ...